Throughout graduate school I studied Clinical Psychology. One of the best parts of this was the process I went through to increase my self awareness. In addition, I was able to learn different techniques that I can utilize to help cope with Behcet's Disease. One of the most beneficial techniques I learned was self hypnosis and all the other strategies that encompass this. I am sure most of you have heard of deep breathing techniques and the benefits of this. Deep breathing is often utilized in yoga and meditation, but can also be used anytime to assist with a variety of issues. It is a technique that is rooted in and has ties to Buddhist principle because it brings the focus to your breath and allows you to be present and live in the moment.
When I use deep breathing, I start by getting in a comfortable position, which is typically lying down. I make sure that I feel good in my positioning. I start by breathing normally for a minute or two. It is important that you create an environment that is conducive to relaxation. This means turning off the television and eliminating all potential distractions such as telephones, people interrupting, dogs barking, etc. However, should something interrupt you it is okay because we must learn to adapt in a world where distractions are inevitable. But in order for you to benefit from this technique fully, you should immerse yourself in a quiet and comfortable environment.
Close your eyes and visualize a place that is a safe and happy and relaxing place. Many people think of a beach, a quiet place outdoors, a favoite place they remember from a vacation. Wherever you want. Picture this in your mind. Or just simply try and clear your mind of all your stressors and just BE. Like I mentioned earlier, start by breathing normally. Begin to pay attention to your breath. Breath in slowly and exhale slowly. After about a minute or two, when you feel ready, start to slow your breathing. How you are able to breathe deeply depends on many factors so you have to do what's best for you. Especially if you have respiratory problems or asthma or something, you may not be able to breathe exactly as I suggest...That's okay. Do what you are capable of.
I usually start by inhaling slowly, counting to ten or more....I hold my breath for about two or three counts, and then start exhaling very slowly....also counting to ten. Repeat this process over and over. You may find it difficult to do at first, especially if you aren't used to it. Thoughts may intrude....should this happen, simply acknowledge the thought and let it drift away. Try and not give in to continue thinking about whatever it is. This, like many things, takes practice, so don't get frustrated if you find that you don't get it right away. If you are just starting out trying this, do it for a few minutes. But you may find that you like it so much that you can do it for longer. It can sometimes bring about a little high because the breathing will allow oxygen to travel to your brain. If you pay attention to the way you breath normally throughout the day, you may find that it is rather shallow and quick. Deep breathing is essential for relaxing and for optimum healthy functioning. When you are done, don't just jump up and continue about your day. Take some time to open your eyes slowly and reacquaint yourself with your environment. Deep breathing promotes relaxation and can induce a meditative state so you want to take a few moments and pay attention to what's going on in your body. When you feel ready, then you may get up and start to engage in your normal activity.
Sometimes you may need to do this for a small break in the day if you are stressed out. Even performing deep breathing techniques for a minute or two can be extremely effective in helping you cope with stressors. If you research deep breathing techniques you can see how beneficial it can be for so many differrent things. Continued use of this technique can reduce stress, can assist in reduction of pain, can help with blood pressures reduction, can increase a feeling of well being, can help with focusing on a particular task, etc. The benefits are endless!
I have been using deep breathing techniques mainly to get through periods of excrutiating pain. There is a reason that women utilize breathing techniques during labor. It WORKS! Focusing on your breathing can distract you from the pain and allows you to focus on your breath. It sounds so simple but it works! In this world we are always on the go. Taking moments out of your busy day to just be and to focus on your breathing can make a world of difference over time. The past and the future is often what we focus on, but there is only the here and now. Deep breathing can help you start to experience living in the moment.
I plan on using this blog also as platform to share and discuss different techniques that I know from my experiences as a doctor of clinical psychology. I think that I have a unique perspective in that I have my doctorate and also have to cope with a serious chronic medical condition. Therefore, I can share the techniques I know that work....And I know they work firsthand because I use them myself! If you have any ideas for me as far as techniques that you want to learn more about please let me know. I will be uploading a recording of a guided imagery tape that I made for my dissertation. The story is called "The Metaphor of the Tree," and was created by Teresa Robles. I recorded the reading of the story and used it in an experiment in order to determine the subjective effects it had on graduate students. It can be used to help you relax and you can incorporate deep breathing techniques while listening to the story.
Take good care, I hope this helps! If you have any questions, don't hesitate to post a comment. If you have something more private you want to discuss, please email me directly at
As always, thanks for reading!
Mandi,thanks for raising awareness on Behcets..I am Kristi's Mom. Keep those post coming and know you're in my thoughts and prayers..Sherry