I have been blessed to have met some very important people as a result of starting this blog.....Others who are suffering from Behcet's Disease! This is amazing as I have never had any real contact with individuals with this disease. I had met a few in the past from the American Behcet's Disease Association webpage, but those people I only had contact with a few times.
I feel these individuals have such important stories to tell....and I want to share them with you!!! The more we hear from others that experience similar medical issues, the more validating it is for us. Plus, I hope to create sort of a virtual support group....a close knit group of individuals who are suffering from Behcet's that can share with one another, laugh, and keep one another going.
It is very important for us all to be supportive and stay connected! It can be sucha n isolating disease, that's for sure!!
I have Behcet's Disease and Fibromyalgia. I found a cool Behcet's Disease Awareness shirt and thought I would share the link to it for those of you that would like it. http://flyinhighshirts.wix.com/flyinhighshirts